I've toyed with the idea of starting a blog for a long time. Every now and again, I'll read something and I'll think, "I should start a blog! I have thoughts about things!" Swift on the heels of that, without fail, is, "Well, I have thoughts about things, but I don't ALWAYS have unique thoughts." There are a lot of blogs that already say the kind of things I would say, and when I read them, I often feel like adding my voice would be unnecessary. It's already been said, and said well, what more could I possibly add? And I don't know if I really have the conviction to chase down something to write about every single day...
Perhaps out of boredom, and perhaps functioning under the delusion that perhaps my PERSPECTIVE is a unique one, I finally started a blog. What's the worst thing that can come of this? I start writing more often again, I shout sporadically into an empty corner of cyberspace, and maybe I become one of those Name Wasters I complained about in my very first entry. There are far worse things in life. Besides. I can always delete the blog if I do find that I'm just not keeping up on it.